News & Articles

How to Be a Present and Prepared Parent

As the seasons change, you’ll naturally find yourself thinking about what’s ahead. As parents, we feel the pressures around summer plans, camps, and schedules for our children immediately after the winter holidays. While it can be exciting to embrace the growth that has been had and look forward to the future, it’s important to focus…

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News & Articles

The Problem With “Prep Schools”

Many schools consider themselves places where students “get ready for the ‘real world.’” It is so embedded in what they do that they literally refer to themselves as “Prep Schools.” This thinking dominates so much of adolescence, not only in schooling but in day-to-day life. Consider the question, “What do you want to be when…

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News & Articles

Effective Feedback is Essential to Build Student Confidence

Effective feedback for middle and high school students should be specific, constructive, and actionable. It should focus on both strengths and areas for improvement, helping students understand what they are doing well and how to enhance their skills further. Feedback should be timely and given promptly after the task or assignment so students can reflect…

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News & Articles

How to Prioritize Student Well-Being in Middle & High School

As the excitement of the holidays fades away and the days seem shorter, students often find themselves navigating the most challenging months of the school year. January, February, and March can be particularly daunting, with the promise of better weather feeling like a distant dream. However, it’s crucial to prioritize student well-being during this time…

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News & Articles

Virtual Workshop: Co-Regulation in Early Childhood

Self-regulation, the ability to manage thoughts and feelings to accomplish goals or directive actions, has become recognized as foundational in promoting well-being across the lifespan, including educational achievement and physical, emotional, social, and economic health. Co-Regulation Workshop Overview Self-regulation leads to the behaviors necessary for success in school, relationships, and the workplace; however, it’s not internal…

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News & Articles

Redefining Success: Navigating Academic Pressure in Middle & High School

As parents, caregivers, and educators, we need to ask ourselves what we truly want for our children. Is “getting into a good college” the sole definition of success? Are we willing to sacrifice their physical and mental health, happiness, and love for learning for a vague future payoff?

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News & Articles

Fostering Healthy Risk-Taking in Early Childhood

Encouraging risk-taking in early childhood sets the stage for a lifetime of curiosity, creativity, and adaptability. Written by: Meg Fitzgerald, Director of Early ChildhoodPosted: November 1, 2023 Risk-Taking is Essential in Early Childhood Development We believe that teaching our young learners to embrace risk in a supportive environment is crucial for their development and future…

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Summer Tips from Bennett’s Learning Services Team

With the end of the school year around the corner, our Learning Services Team wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the months ahead and share helpful tips for maintaining routines and learning practices while balancing flexibility in the summer. Below you will find some social and emotional recommendations from our Counseling Team as well…

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