School Shouldn’t Suck: Bennett Day School Teachers Share Project-Based Learning Strategies at BOOST Conference

High school student at Bennett Day engaged in real-world learning.

What if school didn’t have to suck? That’s the question posed by Dr. Shannon Hurst, Upper School Science Teacher, and Alex Modica, Upper School Humanities Teacher, during their presentation at the 2024 BOOST Conference. The approach to project-based learning (PBL) at Bennett Day School is not only making school engaging, but it’s also fostering deeper learning, collaboration, and real-world impact.

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Virtual Workshop: Co-Regulation in Early Childhood

Self-regulation, the ability to manage thoughts and feelings to accomplish goals or directive actions, has become recognized as foundational in promoting well-being across the lifespan, including educational achievement and physical,…

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Fostering Healthy Risk-Taking in Early Childhood

Encouraging risk-taking in early childhood sets the stage for a lifetime of curiosity, creativity, and adaptability. Written by: Meg Fitzgerald, Director of Early ChildhoodPosted: November 1, 2023 Risk-Taking is Essential…

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An Exciting Update on College Acceptances

This inaugural small but mighty class of graduates is finding phenomenal matches with programs that further their intended purpose and meaning in life at this early stage in their lives.

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