News & Articles

How to Be a Present and Prepared Parent

As the seasons change, you’ll naturally find yourself thinking about what’s ahead. As parents, we feel the pressures around summer plans, camps, and schedules for our children immediately after the winter holidays. While it can be exciting to embrace the growth that has been had and look forward to the future, it’s important to focus…

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News & Articles

Tangible, Real-World Experiences Shape the Learning Journey

As the spring weather (finally) appears here to stay, we can’t help but find our minds thinking about what’s ahead. As parents, I know we personally feel the pressures around summer plans, camps, and schedules for our children immediately after the winter holidays. While this time of year is exciting to embrace the growth that…

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News & Articles

What Anti-Bias Education Looks Like in Early Childhood

As we embark on the journey of nurturing young minds, it’s crucial to recognize the profound impact that an Anti-Bias education can have on the development of our children.

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News & Articles

Virtual Workshop: Co-Regulation in Early Childhood

Self-regulation, the ability to manage thoughts and feelings to accomplish goals or directive actions, has become recognized as foundational in promoting well-being across the lifespan, including educational achievement and physical, emotional, social, and economic health. Co-Regulation Workshop Overview Self-regulation leads to the behaviors necessary for success in school, relationships, and the workplace; however, it’s not internal…

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News & Articles

Fostering Healthy Risk-Taking in Early Childhood

Encouraging risk-taking in early childhood sets the stage for a lifetime of curiosity, creativity, and adaptability. Written by: Meg Fitzgerald, Director of Early ChildhoodPosted: November 1, 2023 Risk-Taking is Essential in Early Childhood Development We believe that teaching our young learners to embrace risk in a supportive environment is crucial for their development and future…

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News & Articles

How to Talk To Your Child About School

As a parent, you may find yourself in this boat: How was school today? Fine. What did you do? Played on the playground. What are you learning about? I don’t know. 

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News & Articles

Bennett Joins the Alliance for Early Childhood (AEC)

Bennett Day School has officially joined the Alliance for Early Childhood (AEC).

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News & Articles

How to Build a Responsive Livingroom

This blog, written by first grade teacher Katie Leviton, provides suggestions for how parents can implement a Responsive Classroom approach at home.

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News & Articles

What is Purposeful Screen Time?

Screen time has become a hot-button issue among educators and parents. Teachers and guardians are struggling to find a way to teach kids to use technology without creating zombies who only play video games. Screens have become a staple in classrooms across the country, but are they being used in the most beneficial way for…

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