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News & Articles

What Does Project-Based Learning Look Like at the High School Level?

…where students develop ideas and understanding, pursue passions and dreams, and hold themselves and their colleagues accountable for shared and individual work. Understanding the world around them, our students see what is and what should be and tap into innovative thinking to make change a reality. Bennett Day School is committed to project-based learning (PBL)…

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News & Articles

Bennett Day School Expansion Reaches New Heights

The east wing addition of Bennett Day School is rising fast! Once the concrete foundation work was completed and the steel arrived, the ironworkers quickly assembled the steel beams into place. Due to the tight constraints of the space, the contractors used the alley parking area to position the crane so it could better hoist…

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News & Articles

School, as we know it, was designed in 1893. How do we make it better?

Many high schools today are unable to respond to the changes happening outside the walls of education and continue to graduate students with skills that do not match the needs of society. In an effort to do better for our children, Bennett Day has partnered with time-tested and data-driven organizations—such as High Tech High, IvyWise College Admissions…

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News & Articles

The High School Search Process is Real—Do You Know What to Ask on Tours?

We get it—the high school search struggle is not to be taken lightly! We know that the process can be an overwhelming experience for parents and students alike, and with so many options in Chicago, it is important to go in prepared. We put together this list of questions to assist you in getting crucial…

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News & Articles

“All is not BenNot Lost” by OK No

By Christa Reed A few years ago, NPR’s The Tiny Desk moved from their old headquarters to a new facility. They wanted to go out with a bang and arrive at their new space in style. They got help from the catchy pop band OK Go, whose unforgettable videos have been viewed tens of millions…

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Press & Recognition
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Martin Moran, Director and Lead Designer of Bennett Day Upper School, discusses the value of competency-based assessment. “…times have changed. In the last 10 years, a school’s ability to dig deep into the specific skill sets of students and provide meaningful information about their strengths and challenges has grown dramatically. Through competency-based education, we can…