What is Singapore Math?

When a student struggles in math class, it’s easy for parents to assume math is just not the child’s strong suit. This may not be the case. Instead, it could be the traditional way students are taught math in this country doesn’t align with everyone’s individual learning style. There is another method that has proven its effectiveness for all types of learners: Singapore Math.

Where Singapore Math Comes From

Students in Singapore consistently rank among the best in math and complex problem solving worldwide. This stems from the progressive teaching methods that allow all types of students to reach their full learning potential when it comes to math. In response to this proven success, many schools in the United States have begun to implement Singapore math into their curriculum.

How Singapore Math Works

Singapore math focuses on teaching by doing. Traditional American-style teaching consists of a concrete-abstract approach: start with a physical demonstration, then transition to lining up an equation. Teachers who use the Singapore math method add a pictorial approach, a visual way of teaching that allows students to make connections between concepts. Students are then able to dissect ideas and understand the meaning and reason behind an equation. The goal is to teach why, not just how.

Why Singapore Math is Beneficial

The method is intended to help students master overall mathematical skill and learn on a deeper level, not simply prepare to pass a test. Because students understand the overarching concepts of math, tactics like memorization and equation drills are no longer needed. Not only that, students retain the information rather than forget what they’ve memorized once the test is over.

Singapore math is a highly effective teaching method that pairs well with the Bennett Day School project-based curricula. Click here to read about how one Bennett Day SK class used their learned skills to build an entire ice cave!