News & Articles

Summer Academics: Guest Blog by Senior Kindergarten Co-Lead Teachers, Katie Gertler and Julia DaSilva

Now that it’s summer, it’s important to ensure that your child is still receiving some type of academic consistency while on break. By no means does it need to be intensive or the main focus of the summer, but it is necessary to prevent what teachers call “The Summer Slide.”  This is when your child…

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News & Articles

6 Picture Books to Warm Up Your Winter Break

Aside from the sheer joy of imagination, children reading for pleasure outside of school is linked to higher levels of empathy, problem-solving, communication, and even performance in academic areas. As we get ready for Winter Break, what will your child be reading at home over the next few weeks? We curated this list of recently…

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News & Articles

What is Purposeful Screen Time?

Screen time has become a hot-button issue among educators and parents. Teachers and guardians are struggling to find a way to teach kids to use technology without creating zombies who only play video games. Screens have become a staple in classrooms across the country, but are they being used in the most beneficial way for…

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