“Making Space for Innovation” article covering Bennett Day School

Read more of this article here, “Making Space for Innovation”, from the March/April 2016 edition of Net Assets, the nationally published magazine of NBOA, the National Business Officers Association of independent schools. Bennett Day School is highlighted on pages 24 and 25 of the article, and many of the pictures throughout are from our recent TinkerThon at Bennett Day School with special guests from the Tinkering Labs in the Bay Area (see the video here).
We will be hosting a STEAM Sunday family event in our TinkerLab on Sunday, Feb 28 at 130 pm, open to the public, with those same materials, gears, motors, and more from the Tinkering Labs if you would like to experience our school or just learn more about innovative tinkering and maker spaces in education. STEAM Sunday will be led by Colin Reynolds, our TinkerLab Curator, who is highlighted in the NBOA article as well. Please RSVP either to admissions@bennettday.org or via the event calendar with our friends at the Neighborhood Parents Network of Chicago (NPN). See you there!