There’s Music in Everything

Exposing your child to music at an early age is an integral part of sensory development. It encourages movement, creativity and social/emotional responsiveness. If you’re looking to support your little Mozart’s creativity, gather everyday household items and construct your own orchestra! Tupperware and wooden spoons become giant drums to keep the rhythm while paper towel rolls serve as the horn section. You can even turn on some classical music and pretend you’re at the symphony. Check out more ideas below on how to inspire your child’s musical ability.


Using your body as an instrument

The foundation of all music begins in the body and the voice. Think about it: The earliest humans would sing and keep rhythm by beating their bodies as drums. At Bennett Day School, our youngest learners start to understand rhythm by clapping to a pattern-based song, such as:


​Criss Cross Apple Sauce

Criss Cross Apple Sauce

Criss Cross Apple Sauce

Pepperoni Pizza


Make your own shaker

You can make sounds with just about any solid object. So, explore the possibilities by shaking or tapping various items in your home. Your child might even be inspired to make their own instrument. The students at Bennett Day were so inspired by this video of the Siyari, a Ghanaian gourd shaker, that they made their own shakers. Children came up with their own materials and building plans, and they came out wonderful.


Belt it out

Studies have shown that preschool through early elementary is the key age for the development of pitch matching skills, which is why our youngest learners at Bennett Day School start their music endeavors focused on singing clearly and keeping a steady beat. Mr. Granquist, lead music teacher at Bennett Day, encourages parents to sing with their kids any chance they get (e.g. at home, in the car on the way to school or just walking down the street).


Music is a fundamental way to express who we are, understand the world around us and, ultimately, to have fun! Want to learn more about the music program at Bennett Day School? Sign up for an info session!