News & Articles

School Shouldn’t Suck: Bennett Day School Teachers Share Project-Based Learning Strategies at BOOST Conference

What if school didn’t have to suck? That’s the question posed by Dr. Shannon Hurst, Upper School Science Teacher, and Alex Modica, Upper School Humanities Teacher, during their presentation at the 2024 BOOST Conference. The approach to project-based learning (PBL) at Bennett Day School is not only making school engaging, but it’s also fostering deeper learning, collaboration, and real-world impact.

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News & Articles

Senior Spotlight: Alexandra

Why did you choose/decide to go to Bennett Day School? I chose to go to Bennett Day because I wanted to go somewhere I was allowed to voice my opinions on things I wanted to learn about. I wanted to learn about topics that interested me and were related to things I am passionate about….

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News & Articles

Senior Spotlight: Leslie

Why did you choose/decide to go to Bennett Day School? I wanted something different. I knew I needed a small environment for me to open up and come out of my comfort zone. I’ve always been a shy introvert and after coming to Bennett, I found my voice and am now capable of presenting myself…

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News & Articles

Senior Spotlight: Abigail

Throughout her time at Bennett, Abigail has truly made her mark. She will be graduating with an impressive collection of awards, scholarships, and experiences, reflecting her dedication to academics, community, and leadership. In her freshman year, Abigail earned third place in the national Civic Action Project Multimedia Contest with a project on how gentrification affected…

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News & Articles

How to Be a Present and Prepared Parent

As the seasons change, you’ll naturally find yourself thinking about what’s ahead. As parents, we feel the pressures around summer plans, camps, and schedules for our children immediately after the winter holidays. While it can be exciting to embrace the growth that has been had and look forward to the future, it’s important to focus…

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News & Articles

The Problem With “Prep Schools”

Many schools consider themselves places where students “get ready for the ‘real world.’” It is so embedded in what they do that they literally refer to themselves as “Prep Schools.” This thinking dominates so much of adolescence, not only in schooling but in day-to-day life. Consider the question, “What do you want to be when…

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News & Articles

Cally Vevers Receives NBOA Professional Achievement Award

The award honors business and operations staff at independent schools who have made significant and lasting contributions to their school’s operations or financial health.

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News & Articles

The Power of Authentic Assessment in PreK-12 Education

In traditional education, assessment often involves standardized tests or grades. At Bennett, we believe in a more holistic and individualized approach to assessing student progress.

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News & Articles

Redefining Success: Navigating Academic Pressure in Middle & High School

As parents, caregivers, and educators, we need to ask ourselves what we truly want for our children. Is “getting into a good college” the sole definition of success? Are we willing to sacrifice their physical and mental health, happiness, and love for learning for a vague future payoff?

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