Tour of our 657 W. Fulton Home
Bambini Room:
Wall hanging easels are hung at child height, building proprioceptive skills and spatial awareness.
Junior Kindergarten Room:
An individual area devoted to socio-dramatic play allows students to engage in play with peers as they explore roles of other people and follow the rules of a group. This builds problem solving skills, language, emotional regulation and executive functioning skills.
Pre Kindergarten Room:
An individual area devoted to socio-dramatic play allows students to engage in play with peers as they explore roles of other people and follow the rules of a group. This builds problem solving skills, language, emotional regulation and executive functioning skills.
Senior Kindergarten Room:
Each room has one large wall painted with IdeaPaint. IdeaPaint turns the wall into a dry erase surface, allowing teachers and students to create, visualize and plan out ideas together. This wall is also equipped with a digital projector, which will serve as a catalyst for provocations shared at morning meetings.
Multipurpose Room:
The Multipurpose Room is an indoor play space for children to nurture their physical development. Balancing on a textured beam provides both vestibular balance and tactile feedback. Scooters, climbing gyms, and balls provide endless opportunities for gross motor play. Children will visit this space daily combined with outdoor play.
Tinker Lab:
A modern day laboratory for thinking, children will explore their ideas and investigate the world around them. In this space they will investigate materials in an attempt to apply knowledge and create meaning. Children will express their understanding through their work with materials such as clay, fine tip markers, wire, and cardboard, gaining mastery overtime.
The walls of the tinker lab are a literal blank canvas for student work and expression. Plywood, IdeaPaint, and PegBoard will provoke students to take their learning and understanding to new levels of exploration.