Senior Spotlight: Leslie

Why did you choose/decide to go to Bennett Day School?

I wanted something different. I knew I needed a small environment for me to open up and come out of my comfort zone. I’ve always been a shy introvert and after coming to Bennett, I found my voice and am now capable of presenting myself and standing in front of people.

What are your plans after you graduate?

I will be attending the University of Michigan (my dream school) where I’ll be pursuing sports management and aim to receive a dual degree in Business Administration as well. I love sports, soccer to be specific, and I really want to pursue a future where I can combine this passion with my financial and business literacy skills. I hope to one day work with my favorite soccer team, FC Barcelona, in their Club Management or Finance departments to eventually become their Treasurer.

I have also received various scholarships like the Dell Scholarship awarding me $20,000 to use in 6 years, the HEAR Scholarship – a four-year renewable scholarship of $5,000, and the ATLAS Fellow Scholarship providing me with up to $20,000 in scholarships every year! Thanks to ATLAS, I will be taking on my first professional internship at an investing firm this summer!

What’s your favorite project-based learning (PBL) memory?

My favorite PBL was the food PBL during my sophomore year. Not only did we learn about the various ways of food production, but we also got to visit a Two-Michelin Star Restaurant called Ever. Visiting Ever, I felt inspired and took a risk in asking for a job. I was 15 at the time, with nothing but a passion for the culinary arts. To my luck, they took a chance in me and allowed me to become a part of their team. I became the youngest chef there for about 2 years, until it was time for something different. While I’m no longer there, if it wasn’t for that visit , I wouldn’t have meet the most amazing people who believed in me and gave me the confidence to be myself and follow my dreams.

What advice would you give rising seniors?

You might have a plan or a path you want to follow going into college or your future in general, but it might not be exactly as you envision it. There might be an unexpected opportunity that presents itself that may completely change your life but you’ll never know unless you decide to take a risk.

What are you excited for after Bennett?

I’m excited to be in a new environment and finally start working towards the goals I have for myself and who I want to be in the future. But most importantly, I’m eager to meet new people and hopefully study abroad and just learn more about the different cultures around me and the way people see life.