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News & Articles

Summer Academics: Guest Blog by Senior Kindergarten Co-Lead Teachers, Katie Gertler and Julia DaSilva

Now that it’s summer, it’s important to ensure that your child is still receiving some type of academic consistency while on break. By no means does it need to be intensive or the main focus of the summer, but it is necessary to prevent what teachers call “The Summer Slide.”  This is when your child…

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News & Articles

Mentors Make All the Difference: A Reflection on Student-Teacher Relationships at High Tech High & Bennett Day Upper School

Bennett Day School is the only school in Illinois to receive the New School Creation Fellowship from High Tech High, the progressive, project-based school featured in the documentary “Most Likely to Succeed.” Representatives from Bennett Day Upper School spent a week at High Tech High in San Diego for the second phase of the fellowship….

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News & Articles

Tips for Choosing a Best-Fit Summer Camp

Studies show that camps of all kinds help kids build a solid sense of identity and community, while also contributing to mental and physical well-being. But with so many options out there, how can families make the best choice possible for their children?

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News & Articles

Building Bennett Day School: An Interview with CEO Cameron Smith

After the birth of his first son in 2010, Bennett Day School Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, Cameron Smith, came face-to-face with the shortage of options for progressive, independent schooling in Chicago. Though his heartfelt reasons as to “why” he founded the school are well-documented, we sat down with Cameron to discuss the “how” behind his motivational journey in creating…

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