The Importance of Family Share
Once a year, each one of our enrolled families leads a classroom Morning Meeting to share and teach their child’s class about a unique aspect of their family traditions. The Family Share is approximately 20 minutes, and can focus on anything that a family does together, from everyday routines and rituals, to traditions or religious celebrations and holidays. We invite families to bring photographs/props and items to help visualize their presentation.
Last week at our Early Childhood campus, one of our student’s talk about the family celebration of Diwali. The children were interested in creating a circular Rangoli design using loose parts. Placed in the center of the Rangoli was a Diya lantern, which was filled by each child with flower petals and gems. This shared experience highlights the power of Bennett Day’s practice of Family Share.
Want to learn more about Family Share and how the progressive model naturally weaves into your experiences at home? Join us for an information session and tour.