Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Vision Statement:
Bennett Day School is a community made up of individuals and families who are diverse in race, religion, age, ability, gender, socio-economics, LGBTQIA+, ethnicity, nationality, cultures, and other identities. Our inclusive school population inspires students, faculty, staff, and families to develop a habit of mind for many perspectives different from their own.
Bennett Day School values and embraces the identities of our community. We foster a sense of belonging. We commit to knowing every person in our community for who they are and what they contribute. This understanding drives our social and civic engagement and our commitment to becoming active citizens in our community. Our curriculum and programming supports our community as we develop awareness and respect for similarities and differences of others. As Bennett Day community members, we will take courageous action to advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the world around us.
Doing the Work
School is not an inanimate, fixed place; It’s an adapting, evolving space for ideas, discourse, and connection. We know that engaging in conversations around diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) only strengthens our community. It is through this meaningful work that we build trust and understanding.
Through multicultural education, our teachers strive to acknowledge and affirm the different learning styles and cultural backgrounds represented in their classroom and community. In this environment, students are encouraged to explore their own identities, consider different perspectives, and engage in critical conversations.
We intentionally choose curricula, projects, and accompanying materials and texts that provide our students with windows into differing cultures, perspectives, and experiences, and mirrors that reflect their own.
Outside of the classroom, Bennett parents/guardians, faculty members, and students have many opportunities to continue this work together.
Examples of this include:
- The National SEED Project (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity)
- Student, Faculty, and Parent/Guardian Affinity Groups
- DEI-focused Book Clubs
- DEI-focused Professional Development
Contact Us.
Email Bennett Day School's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advocacy Team (DAT).