Meaningful Learning Experiences in Real-World Environments

Every Bennett Day student participates in at least one major internship during their time here. Internships provide every learner with an experience that is personally fulfilling and gives them insight into their learning and work pathway going forward. Bennett Day learners, through their work as interns, will provide valuable contributions to businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies throughout the city.


Authentic Experience

Reflection and Wayfinding

Community Building


Key Activities

Exploration Period

Trimester-Long Internships

Internship Seminar

Reflection Writing

Final Impact Presentations

Key Partnerships

Local Businesses


Government Agencies


Bennett Day Internship Coordinator

How it Works

Phase one typically happens in the trimester before the internship. Bennett Day learners reflect on their interests with advisor, peer, and family input. Learners should reflect on and have conversations about something the student would like to change about the world. This conversation should culminate with the learner identifying 1-3 areas of interest that they’d like to pursue.

Once the areas of interest are identified, Bennett Day learners extensively research the careers that relate to their interests. They should keep a journal that will be submitted to the internship coordinator. Focusing questions should include:

  • What types of organizations hire those people?
  • What current events impact that field?
  • What are people in this field concerned about?

After the research, the learner should identify at least five sites they would like to approach. These will be submitted via a form turned into the internship coordinator. At this point, learners will work with the internship coordinator to develop their cover letter and strategies for contacting the potential internship site.

Start maximizing your opportunities
at Bennett, today.